Wings Over Florida birding hike at Blackwater Fisheries Research Nov. 5

October 19, 2016

fwcfisheriespondDate/time: Saturday, Nov. 5, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Join Great Florida Birding & Wildlife Trail coordinator Whitney Gray and Wings Over Florida coordinator Andy Wraithmell for a hike around the wonderful birding trail site at Blackwater Fisheries Research. You will walk the dikes between the aquaculture ponds, looking for wintering wildfowl such as Ring-necked Duck and Blue-winged Teal. Wilson’s Snipe feed along the muddy edges. Bachman’s Sparrows and Brown-headed Nuthatches are fairly common and Henslow’s Sparrow has been recorded in the winter. Participants will have the opportunity to earn their first Wings Over Florida certificate.

fisheriessignThe walk is limited to 25 people. This event is FREE and family-friendly. Youth participation encouraged. The walk is suitable for all experience levels but is aimed at beginner and intermediate level bird watchers. Loaner binoculars will be available if you do not have a pair of your own.

Click here to register.

Blackwater Fisheries Research, 8384 Fish Hatchery Road, Holt, FL 32564  Map

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