Bay: The bay is full of life! Good size shrimp being caught with a cast net, trout being caught with menhaden bait, MirrOdine lures, redfish on gold spoons.
Folks have been enjoying an abundance of dolphin swimming along side their boats in the Bay. Some are saying they have never seen so many.
Fresh: River is good. Lots of shellcracker being caught with worms. Fly fishing is good catching bluegill and bream with popping bugs.
Gulf: Lots Spanish and king mackerel and red snapper season is opening up again in Oct. on the weekends.
The fishing report is brought to you by Copeland’s. “Where the locals shop and the tourists are welcome.” Click here to find out more about Copeland’s.
Danny Copeland wants to remind folks that the resident shoreline license is free. Come on by! Lots of hunters are tuning up their bows for hunting season coming up.
Copeland’s Gun Shop
17290 U.S. Hwy. 331 S
Freeport, Florida 32439
(850) 835-4277