Volunteers needed for shorebird surveys

August 9, 2012

Terns and gulls along the beach at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park. Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors

Learn about bird identification with a biologist

Now that the breeding season is winding down help will be needed to do non-breeding and migratory shorebird surveys along our coastal waterways.

The surveys are conducted at nearly all the coastal state parks in the Florida Panhandle. While bird knowledge is always a plus, no bird expertise is needed to help as you will be assisting Department of Environmental Protection biologists. Surveys will be going on from Aug. through Feb., and you can help out anytime.

This is a great opportunity to help out the while learning a lot about shorebirds, shorebird identification and surveying techniques. If you are interested, please send Alan Knothe with Florida Audubon an e-mail listing any coastal counties where you are willing to help survey at: aknothe@audubon.org

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