

Learn about raptors at Topsail Sept. 18

Learn about the hunters in the sky Location: Topsail Hill Preserve State Park Time: 1:30 p.m. Come and join an exciting indoor interpretive on the birds that deserve respect.  Learn about owls, ospreys, hawks, and more interesting hunters in the sky. Park at the Day-Use area off Hwy 30A and take a short walk to the clubhouse.  A $6.00 park entrance fee is required. All programs require a $6.00 entry admission per vehicle into the park. For more information call...

Learn about frogs and toads at Topsail Sept. 4

Rib-bit! Location/time: Topsail Hill Preserve State Park  – 7:30 p.m. Come and join the folks at Topsail  for a program on native frogs and toads of northwest Florida. Learn all about these noisy yet elusive creatures. Discover where they might be found, how to distinguish species by their unique calls, and their adaptations for survival in this fun and informative outdoor slideshow presentation.  Park at the Day-Use area off Hwy 30A and take a short hike to the outdoor amphitheater....

Jarhead: The little bear that beat the odds

Black bear cub in Marion County recovers from sticky situation It took 10 days for Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) biologists to catch a black bear cub in Marion County that was days away from death. They were ultimately successful, but it took extraordinary efforts from both FWC employees and local residents working together. The 6-month-old cub, its two siblings and mother were regular visitors to unsecured trash containers in a small community near Weirsdale, in the Ocala...

FWC says baby wildlife rescues often unnecessary

Rescues may do more harm than good This time of year, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) begins getting calls about “abandoned” baby wild animals that well-meaning people believe are in need of rescue. These rescues are unnecessary, and they actually may do more harm than good. After giving birth, adult wildlife must forage to provide food for themselves and their young. That requires the adult animals to leave their newborns for short periods. The little one may...

Who cares for injured wildlife?

A look at the dedicated volunteers at Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge (ECWR) is the facility to call if you discover injured wildlife. For more than 15 years, the ECWR has cared for a variety of wildlife – from stranded dolphins to injured eagles, to orphaned foxes. Supported mostly through the donations of local residents and businesses, the ECWR is also involved in education, conservation and rehabilitation of natural fauna. The ECWR is located on Okaloosa Island...