

Learn about beekeeping at the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center Mar. 10

Bee Keeping in the Panhandle with Gordon Clauss Presentations at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Gordon Clauss, professional bee keeper and owner of Camp Flower Honey, will be speaking about the fascinating craft of Beekeeping and importance of bees in Northwest Florida. He is also bringing some of his tasty varieties of honey for purchase. The E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center offers education on a better understanding of our environment; with its focus on the importance of biodiversity, ecosystems, conservation, preservation...

Rehabilitated bald eagle released at Hammock Bay in Freeport

Raptor released close to where rescued A rehabilitated American bald eagle was released at Hammock Bay Mar. 2 by members of Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge. The eagle was discovered injured at a residence near Whitfield Road in Freeport Jan. 31. The raptor had suffered lacerations to the abdomen, head and beak with a portion of the maxillary rostrum (upper beak) damaged. The source of the injuries was never determined. Once rehabilitated, the Refuge worked with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service...

Master Naturalist Wetlands class starting in March

Module offered on Tuesdays Training includes ecosystem processes, identification of key plants and wildlife, and the role of humans in shaping Florida’s environment, interpretation skills, and environmental ethics.  The wetlands module will be taught March 20-May 15th, 2012 and courses will take place in Okaloosa and Walton Counties.  Registration closes March 13, 2012.  Cost is $225, which includes materials, instruction and three field trips.  Spots are limited so visit the course website to register click current course offerings, freshwater...