

Look to the sky for migrating white pelicans in Northwest Florida

Migration time for white pelicans By Stan Kirkland, FWC One of the many benefits of living in the Florida panhandle and particularly near the coast is the vast variety of wildlife we often see. Daily, you’re apt to see bald eagles, ospreys, fox squirrels, black bears, wild turkeys, deer and numerous other species. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time. One species you may miss that’s migrating through our area now are white pelicans. Just...

Abundant life is just beyond your porch

No need to venture far to find interesting critters Backyard Safari by FWC Fall weather is settling in, and many animals have begun or will soon start foraging for winter. But it is still quite warm in the Sunshine State, and wildlife is frisky and abundant, especially in your backyard. Take a walk outside. Look in bushes, shrubs, grass, on flowers, in and under potted plants and on the walls of your house. And, don’t forget to look up. Birds...

Choctawhatchee Audubon activities for October 2012

Join the Choctawhatchee Audubon for birding field trips and education. OCTOBER 4: Monthly Meeting. Alan Knothe, a local wildlife biologist, will present a program “Shorebirds of the Florida Panhandle.” Alan will discuss the vast and diverse group of shorebirds that frequent local beaches. Some use our beaches as nesting sites, while others stay for the winter. Still others use our area only as a migratory stopover. Learn about their natural history, their niche in the local ecology, and the many...

Early autumn in Walton County abounds with color

Autumn brings colorful display to forest floors Fall brings a colorful time to explore the outdoors in  Northwest Florida. In Walton County, we are fortunate to have several State Parks and the Point Washington State Forest providing and abundance of seasonal wildflowers and migrating butterflies. To name just a few native flowers in bloom this time of year are wild buckweat (Eriogonum tomentosum), hairy jointweed (Polygonella basiramia), senna symeria (seymeria cassioides), goldenaster (Chrysopsis sabrella), goldenrod (Soldago tortifolia), figwort (Agalinis satacea)...

Fall is the time of year for migrating hummingbirds in Northwest Florida

Fill up your feeders and enjoy a hummer show! Between now and early spring, rare hummingbird species from out West turn up in Florida on their way to their winter homes in the tropics. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are year-round residents throughout Florida, but many from up North also pass through here on their annual migration to Central America. Floridians who put up hummingbird feeders or grow red or orange tubular flowers may get a glimpse of one of at least nine...

Public forum on Walton’s biodiversity with Bruce Means Sept. 27

South Walton Community Council is hosting a public forum on the biodiversity of Walton County on Sept. 27. Guest speaker will be  D. Bruce Means, PhD, President and Executive Director Coastal Plains Institute and Land Conservancy; Adjunct Professor Department of Biological Science, Florida State University. The title of Dr. Means presentation is Walton County Biodiversity: The Wonderful World of Its Animals, Plants, and Ecosystems. Learn details of Walton County’s diverse ecosystem. Professor Means’ presentation will focus on how the biodiversity of Walton County fits into...