home and garden


Davis Properties in Seagrove caters to bicyclists, butterflies, and bees

New real estate office provides a friendly and welcome rest stop along 30A Next time you are in Seagrove, stop by the new Davis Properties office and rest a while. The company’s new outdoor surroundings are a welcome repose for pedestrians and cyclists alike. The location is hard to miss with a whimsical, brightly colored Watermelon bench out front. When owner Larry Davis planned the company’s new digs, he wanted to create something inviting for folks passing by. And indeed...

Civil War camp, battle and music in DeFuniak Springs Jan. 27 – 29

One of many Chautauqua Assembly events this weekend The Walton Guard Civil War Camp will be set up in the historic Lake Yard of DeFuniak Springs beginning Friday morning, Jan. 27 and lasting through Sunday afternoon. Ten tents and displays will make up the exhibit, including members of the Walton Guard who will be at each site explaining the history of the Guard during the Civil War. Live Civil War-era music will be performed by the 97th Regimental String Band...

Recycle your Christmas tree in Walton County

Tree mulch will be available at County Landfill Don’t let your Christmas tree go to waste, recycle it! Place your old tree at the curb on your designated yard debris pick up day.  Waste Management asks that any tree taller than 6 ft. be cut in half. The trees will be transported to the Walton County landfill,  then processed on their chipper. Mulch will be available free to county residents and available the first week in Jan. For those that...

Alaqua Animal Refuge forever friend of the week

Good looking fella looking for a new home What an irresistible face! This sweet Schnauzer/Terrier mix was taken from the home in which he grew up and dropped off by his family at a kill shelter.  Thankfully he was rescued, is now safe and sound at Alaqua Animal Refuge, and making lots of new friends. Like all the animals at Alaqua, AJ has his Christmas list ready for Santa. It’s short and to the point. He wants nothing more than...

Walton area residents craft melodic bamboo flutes

Homegrown natural elements used in True Grass Flutes There’s nothing better than enjoying something special that is home grown here in Walton County. We are fortunate to have many great local farmers and artists in our area who offer great products. One cool local cottage industry is True Grass Flutes in DeFuniak Springs. Tommie Gipson of True Grass Flutes enjoys spending time outdoors kayaking, bike riding and playing his hand crafted bamboo flutes. The DeFuniak Springs resident enjoys the flute...

Old time sugar cane grinding alive and well in DeFuniak Springs

Couple share their harvest with friends and neighbors DeFuniak Springs residents Don and Lesa Harrison enjoy sharing the bounties of their garden. And, quite a garden it is with 31 acres of vegetables, pecan trees, fruit trees and a greenhouse chock full of tropicals. After retiring from the Air Force Research Laboratory in 2001, Don and has been busy growing a variety of hearty crops on the couple’s acreage in DeFuniak Springs. Collards, turnips, kale, Swiss chard, spinach, carrots and...