

Busy hummingbird at work

This busy hummingbird was spotted at the Zen Garden Market in Panama City Beach recently collecting nectar from a cardinal vine. The market has many native plants available to attract hummingbirds an butterflies.  Zen Garden Market is located at 707 Richard Jackson Blvd. Panama City Beach (850)234-1651.  Click here to learn more about attacting hummingbirds to your home...

American bittern spotted on Lake Powell

Is this an American Bittern or a Green Heron? This beauty, was spotted perched on a dock along Lake Powell Sept. 6. American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) Sun-gazer, the American bittern is called, as well as Stake Driver, Thunder Pump and Mire Drum. The names refer to the bittern’s call, a deep resonant oonk-a-lunk, which has been likened to the bellowing of a bull or a hydraulic machine. It’s odd that a bird this secretive makes such a racket. Since the...

Invite migrating hummingbirds to your yard this fall

Invite a hummer to share your garden Hummingbirds live only in the Americas. Of the 338 species known, 16 are found in the United States and 3 occur in Florida. Black-chinned and rufous hummingbirds occasionally can be seen in Florida during the winter. The ruby-throated hummingbird is by far the most common hummer in the state. This feathered jewel is about 3 inches (7.5 centimeters) long and weighs as little as a penny (¼ ounce). Its name describes the most...

Singing a song for food

Feed me, I’m hungry! These hungry mockingbird chicks look hungry as Jacquee Markel of Dune Allen snapped this photo. Jacquee said every time she or her husband Kenny went near the nest, the babies would stick their beaks out looking for food....

E. O. Wilson Biophilia Center construction nears completion

Facility will provide extraordinary learning opportunities The long awaited $7 million dollar, 28,500 sq. ft. E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center has taken shape, with construction completion slated for June and grand opening in September. Developed by local conservationist, M.C. Davis on his 48,000-acre conservation land named Nokuse Plantation, the Center will offer students and visitors spectacular interactive exhibits which will offer a better understanding of the environment as well as educate on the importance of biodiversity, ecosystems, and to encourage conservation,...