Spiral garden one of the featured workshops at Enviromental Forum on Nov. 5

October 27, 2009

Susan and Peter Horn's double spiral compost garden,
Susan and Peter Horn's double spiral compost garden created at their home this spring.

Learn how to create a garden with recycled materials

Peter and Susan Horn of Artisan Builders in Santa Rosa Beach will be building a spiral garden as one of the featured workshops at the upcoming Walton County Tourist Development Council’s Environmental Forum on Nov. 5. Created as an organic, composting herb garden, the Horn’s spiral garden will be created with easy-to-find salvaged and recycled materials.

Learn which herbs will attract birds and beneficial insects, add fresh new flavor to your favorite dishes, and thrive in our microclimate. Based on the permaculture philosophy of creating zero-waste systems, herb spirals have been used worldwide as compact garden features that improve the soil, reduce waste, and grow useful plants – all without petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides.

To view story and video about Susan and Peter’s spiral garden, go to: https://waltonoutdoors.com/sustainable-garden-spirals-to-life/

“Growing Locally with Community Gardens” is the theme for this year’s forum which will be held at the E. O. Wilson Biophilia Center at Nokuse Plantation in Freeport, Florida.

To learn more about the upcoming Environmental Forum, go to: https://waltonoutdoors.com/environmental-forum-slated-for-nov-5-to-focus-on-community-gardens/

Other workshops at the forum will include:

• Integrated Garden Design with Architects Frank Greene and Chandra Hartman

• Slow food, local food, preserving food – What’s cooking with Kendra Zamojski,

• Good Bugs-Bad Bugs -Beneficial Insects with Sheila Dunning, Commercial Horticulture Assistant, Okaloosa County

• Permaculture and Modalities of Organic Gardening with Kat M. Provencher, Permaculture Designer/Instructor

• Green Smoothies and Organic Eating with Jenifer Kuntz, Owner of Raw & Juicy

• Native Plants for the Florida Landscape with Lee Mixson, Eastern Lake Nursery Manager

• Building a Rain Barrel  with Eddie Powell, Horticultural Assistant, Walton County

• Vermiculture with Arix Zalace, local worm farmer

• Container Gardening with John Kratt, Master Gardener

For more information call 850-267-1216

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