South Walton Turtle Watch looking for a few good volunteers

March 19, 2012

South Walton Turtle Watch Group volunteers Jennifer Jones and Bobby Stuart excavate a loggerhead turtle nest. ©Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors

2012 turtle nesting season about to start

Love sea turtles and want to be a part of a great team of turtle nest walkers? South Walton Turtle Watch is looking for a few good volunteers. If you like getting up early, walking on the beach, being involved  with nature and making a difference, they are looking for you. Walking will be from during the sea turtle nesting season from May to October.

Can you walk one day a week? Two days a week? They especially need walkers at Inlet Beach and the west end of the county by Whales Tail.

Training will be March 28 at Gulf Coast State College in Panama City from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

For information, call Sharon Maxwell at (850) 897-5228 or Valerie Slinger Lofton at (850) 428-2090. For more information about South Walton Turtle Watch, go to

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