South Walton Fire District offering free smoke alarms for seniors, disabled, and families in need

June 24, 2015

smoke alarmsSmoke alarms are a key part of a home fire escape plan. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast. Working smoke alarms give you early warning so you can get outside quickly.

Knowing that early detection is the key to survival, the South Walton Fire District Department Relations Committee (DRC) recently purchased smoke alarms in an effort to help reduce death, injuries and property damages caused by fire.

Through fundraising efforts the DRC was able to purchase $400 dollars worth of smoke alarms. These smoke alarms will be distributed to South Walton residents who are senior citizens, disabled, or families in need, at no charge. The belief that “smoke alarms work” is so strong, SWFD is also willing to assist with the installation of these if needed.

Remember, the life of a smoke detector is 10 years. If your detector is 10 years old or older, it should be replaced.

If you are in need of a smoke alarm or know someone that is please have them contact Fire Marshal Sammy Sanchez at 850-267-1298 or

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