The Power Of One slows traffic and draws crowd in Seaside
Folks in Walton County got an eyeful of solar technology on May 7th, 8th and 9th as The Power Of One solar powered car passed through the area. The car is on a journey across the Americas to make a statement on behalf of the advantages of solar energy.
Starting his trek in Buffalo, New York in June of 2008, Marcelo Da Luz has taken the car on a unique and challenging journey spanning west to Alaska, the Arctic Circle, then south through California and across the U.S. to the Florida Panhandle.
Marcelo and his current assistant, Michael Feith met in Alaska while Michael was on a backpacking trip. Michael follows the car in a pacer van and trailer with their gear.
Michael is doing his college internship about the car and journey.

From Walton County, they will travel east, then south to Key West, and eventually back to Buffalo, with future plans for South America.
Da Luz, a former airline flight attendant, first conceptualized the solar-powered car back in 1987, when he saw “The World Solar Challenge” a documentary about solar powered cars racing across the Australian outback.
Since that day, he has believed in the technology, and on a mission to promote it.

They have broken records along the way, including being the first car to cross the Arctic Circle powered only by the sun.
Da Luz said the police stopped him in Alaska after a motorist called 911 to report “a UFO.”
For more information about The Power Of One efforts, go to: www.XoF1.com.