Singled handed sailing race at Bluewater Bay Oct. 16

September 28, 2010

sailboatJoin in on the largest single haded sailing race on the Choctawhatchee Bay

Come join in on the Budweiser/Blue Water Bay Marina single handed sailing race on Oct. 16. Race registration will be held on Oct. 15 from 6 – 7 p.m. at L.J. Schooners. Skippers Meeting 7:00 p.m. 10/16 Race (Bermuda Start – Start times to be assigned at skippers meeting)

How?: One boat, one person, any equipment allowed except your engine.

Why? Why not?  – This has become the largest race on the Choctawhatchee Bay. No problems with recruiting crew!  Also, no crew to blame!  Refreshments provided by Budweiser as well as awards following the race.  So, come and join in a nice jaunt around the bay.

First start time on Saturday, Oct 16,  2010 11:00 a.m. (Start time based on local conditions- check with race committee).  Race course will be posted Friday night at L.J. Schooners dockside bar. Click to download details

FINISH: Cold Bud Light on tap, and awards following the race at L.J. Schooners dockside bar.

RACE CLASSES: One size fits all.

ENTRY FEE: $15.00 per boat.  There will be a free and flowing keg of BUD LIGHT on tap Saturday following the race.  You can register Friday night in person at L.J. Schooners, or call Brett Hinely and register over the phone at 897-2821 at the Bluewater Bay Marina during the day.

AWARDS: Ceremony following the race.  Awards to be given to a minimum for the first three places, as well as other interesting places.

FORMAT: This race is for everyone (cruisers, racers, novices, old salts, young salts, men, and women).  This is a single handers race and only one person per boat.  This will be a short race for fun, challenge, and perhaps a different perspective on sailing.  Each boat starts individually with a Bermuda start based  on handicap.  If you do not have a handicap we will provide you with one.  Anything and everything can be used on the boat with the exception of your engine.  This includes, jib’s larger that what you are rated for, spinnaker, cruising chutes, staysails, bloopers, autopilots, etc.  What ever you feel comfortable with you can use (or try to use).

LIABILITY: Participants in the Single Handers Regatta enter at their own risk.  Every captain should be aware of the capabilities of himself/herself and that of their vessel.  Officials of the race and all persons directly and indirectly connected with the operation of the regatta shall be exempt from any liability for loss, damage, negligence, harm or injury suffered by a participant, vessels, or equipment which may occur during the Single Handers Regatta.

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