Season brings colorful display to the forest floor
Most any time of year, the Point Washington State Forest offers a diverse landscape for a hiker or biker to explore our area’s natural beauty. Most of the forest’s area consists of sandhill, basin swamps/titi drains, wet flatwoods, wet prairie and cypress swamps.
During the fall months, the array of wildflowers in bloom offer the explorer a colorful journey. Native flowers in bloom include wild buckweat (Eriogonum tomentosum), hairy jointweed (Polygonella basiramia), senna symeria (seymeria cassioides), goldenaster (Chrysopsis sabrella), goldenrod (Soldago tortifolia), figwort (Agalinis satacea) and blazing star (Litatris champanii) to name a few.
No overnight camping is currently permitted on the forest. There is camping available at both the Grayton Beach State Park and the Topsail Hill State Preserve RV Park. These areas are located adjacent to the forest.