Local captures Destin’s natural landscape in photographs

May 21, 2012

Scotty Lisenbe photographs blue herons. Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors

Daily stress therapy has its rewards

Destin resident Scotty Lisenbe has a sure cure for dealing with his day-to-day stress of working long hours. He stops, explores the natural surroundings around him, and then documents his daily journey in photographs.

On his daily work commute from Destin to Fort Walton Beach, Lisenbe gets up early each morning and visits a special area along his way. A location chock full of nesting herons and a variety of other shorebirds makes for great subject matter to photograph. On his return trip home in the early evening, he stops along the docks and seawalls of Destin capturing sunsets and pelicans.

Sunsets and sunrises are some of Scotty Lisenbe’s photography subjects. Photo couresty Scotty Lisenbe

A resident of Northwest Florida since the early 90s, Lisenbe has always enjoyed photographing Northwest Florida’s natural landscape. Recently, he started taking it more seriously with a purchase of a digital SLR camera. Unable to shoot birds in action with his old camera, Lisenbe is enjoying shooting the pelicans along the docks and nesting blue herons in the area.

“Herons are amazing, their patterns, the colors, the look in their eyes. Almost pre-historic, my favorite of all I shoot. I really enjoy the way they fly; the flapping of the wings, the wingspan … and their cry is amazing. I love the babies I have been monitoring, they are so cute and squawk so loud,” Lisenbe explained.

Lisenbe’s photos have acquired quite a following on Facebook and he is rapidly making new friends. He modestly considers himself an amateur with a good eye.

“Some people look forward to my photos on Facebook, and if I don’t post a photo every day they wonder if I’m O.K.” Lisenbe quipped.

To enjoy more of Scotty Lisenbe’s photos, friend him on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/scotty.lisenbe

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