Jackson County working to control hydrilla grass on Merritt’s Mill Pond

August 9, 2022

Merritt’s Mill Pond is one of Jackson County’s most highly valued natural resources. It exists not only as a source of recreation for visitors and locals alike, but also as a home to many citizens with property on its shores. Over the years, the Hydrilla Grass levels have increased which impacts life on and in the water.

To this date, the County has taken many different approaches to manage the grass levels. This week the Board of County Commissioners contracted with a mechanical harvesting company to remove hydrilla and other materials from the main channel of the Mill Pond. This is intended to ease boat traffic and open more area for future herbicide treatments to have greater impact.

To start this process, biologists from the University of Florida, along with FWC will be conducting a “dye trace study” during the week of August 29, 2022. This study utilizes a red dye to help determine the flow and the amount of herbicide needed in a subsequent grass treatment to follow during the week of September 12-16, 2022. The herbicide treatment uses a pulsed drip system dispersing “Aquathol K” over the course of the week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The results will be monitored over the following weeks to determine effectiveness.

The Board, along with staff, would like to ensure the community that we are making every effort to address this situation for the health of the ecosystem as well as the longevity of public access.

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