Gator Watch one of the featured events at Back To Nature Festival

October 2, 2009

Led Suydan, park service specialist at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park looks for the resident alligator that resides on a coastal dune lake.
Led Suydan, a park service specialist at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park looks for the resident alligator on a coastal dune lake.

Gator Watch at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park – Saturday, Oct. 18

5:45 p.m. – Explore the world of the Florida alligator at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park. A park ranger will guide you to the banks of a lake where you can see a large gator lair and learn more about these ancient creatures. The tour starts at 5:45 at the day entrance parking area on Scenic Hwy. 30A.  From the day entrance you’ll catch the trolley to the trailhead. From there, you will make a short hike to the lake. Afterwards, you will walk back to the day entrance parking lot so there is some hiking involved. You will also be walking in the dark so it’s a great opportunity to see some of the night inhabitants of the park. Please wear closed toe shoes as some of the hiking is through the woods. Bring binoculars, insect repellant and a flashlight. The tour will last approximately an hour and a half and is limited to 12 participants. ::MAP::

The Gator Watch is one of the events during the Back to Nature Festival Oct. 16-18.  Most events are about two hours long and cost $10 unless otherwise noted. Events will be closed after maximum participant limits are reached so register early! To register and find out more about all of the events,  Click here.

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    1. Which lake is the location of the resident gator? I have walked and waded around the Topsail lakes. Never saw any activity of gators in the past. Perfect location for a gator.

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