Springtime brings out the best in Walton County offerings
Red Bay Grocery and Cypress Cattle Company are offering fresh produce and flowers this spring and summer. The freshly grown Walton County produce and flowers are a collaboration of Cypress Cattle Company’s produce matched with Red Bay’s local shareholder’s garden flowers. All will be available for purchase at Red Bay Grocery.
A 10-week offering of a full bushel box of fresh produce From Cypress Cattle Farm is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) produce that will be available every week through July. The bushel box will contain the crops that are in season during the spring and summer months. Every week the boxes will vary in content depending what is fresh that week. These boxes can be picked up at Cypress Cattle Company or at Red Bay Grocery in Red Bay. Contact Cypress Cattle to order at 850-685-5890. To learn more about Cypress go to: http://www.cypresscattle.com
Below are the items and the estimated time they will be available:
Yellow Crookneck Squash: 5/5 to 5/30
Sweet Corn: 6/10
Tomatoes: 6/15 to 7/10
Roma Tomatoes: 6/15 to 7/10
Bell Peppers: 6/20 to 7/30
Eggplant: 6/15 to 7/30
Red Bay Offerings:
Local blueberries, watermelons, cantaloupes, peas and acorn squash.
The will also have fresh cut zinnia’s all summer long for $5.99 a bundle. Call Red Bay for more info at: 850-836-2220 or go to their website at: www.redbaygrocery.com
Head over to Red Bay, eat at their new outdoor dining area, and get the freshest of everything Walton County has to offer! ::MAP::