Freeport resident Virgie Thomson receives award for volunteer work at Eden Gardens State Park
Each year, the Florida Park Service recognizes significant contributions made by individual volunteers. One of these awards, the Irene DeLaby Award, is named for the Volunteer Ambassador Emeritus and FFSP board member emeritus. This award recognizes volunteers who have contributed 10,000 hours to the Florida Park Service. One of these awards, the Irene DeLaby Award, is named for the Volunteer Ambassador Emeritus and FFSP board member emeritus. This award recognizes volunteers who have contributed 10,000 hours to the Florida Park Service.
One of this years recipients of this prestigious award is FFSP board member Virgie Thompson. Virgie, a 12-year volunteer at Eden Gardens State Park was surprised at a recent Volunteer Appreciation Event at Eden Gardens when she was called to the podium to receive not only a nomination for Volunteer of the Year, but also the Irene DeLaby Award.
Virgie, a warm, soft-spoken lady, has contributed untold hours to the restoration and maintenance of the beautiful Wesley House and to the gardens at Eden Gardens in Point Washington. Trained as a Master Gardener by the University of Florida, Virgie has been able to guide others interested in working in the gardens. Always ready and willing to assist with anything that needs to be done, she has also spear-headed fundraising efforts and childrens programs. In addition to all her contributions at Eden Gardens, Virgie is also active on the Friends of Florida State Parks, Inc. Board of Directors, where her experience as president of the Friends of Eden Gardens has been extremely valuable. Eden Gardens Park Manager Daniel Blanner couldnt agree more with the selection of this honoree. He recently stated, Virgie has my highest recommendation for this award.
Congratulations and thank you to Virgie for her dedication to the Florida Park Service.
Information courtesy Florida Park Service.