Enjoy stargazing at Eden Gardens State State Park Sept. 6

August 12, 2024

Join the members of the Northwest Florida Astronomy Association and view the beauty of the universe at Eden Gardens State Park on Friday, Sept. 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. We start by setting just before the Sun sets to allow our guest observers to view the equipment and get photos before it gets dark. Once the Sun sets, we transition to night time observing. Different size and design telescopes will be set up by dusk and celestial objects will be chosen with an eye to visual observation and variety. The objects visible will depend on the season and time of night but normally include bright galaxies and nebulae, star clusters, and planets.

There are a couple of rules that need to be followed so everyone enjoys the event:

  • Please do not touch the telescopes; an errant bump will cause a delay while the object being observed is brought back into view.
  • This is a family event and children are welcome, but since telescopes are by design somewhat delicate and may be expensive, parental control is necessary.
  • For everyone’s safety and to minimize the effect on night vision, please, no flash photography. If you want a photo of the equipment please come early enough to get a image before dark.
  • If you bring a flashlight please use a red filter.

While there will be plenty of telescopes available to view through, we invite you to bring your own telescopes/binoculars and join in the fun. Make sure you stop by the welcome table and pick up a free Sky Map.

The star gaze is free but normal state park fees apply. The park closes the gate at sundown so make sure you arrive before then. For further information or to make sure the weather has not caused a cancellation, please call the park at (850) 267-8320.

Eden Gardens State Park is located in Point Washington, off U.S. 98 on C.R. 395.
For more information, call (850) 267-8320.
181 Eden Garden Road, Point Washington, Fl. 32459 ::MAP::
The park’s website is

Park Fees
$4.00 per vehicle. Please use the honor box to pay fees. Correct change is required. Limit 8 people per vehicle.
$2.00 Pedestrians, bicyclists, extra passengers, passengers in vehicle with holder of Annual Individual Entrance Pass.

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