Easter egg coloring the natural way

April 2, 2010

Unique approach provides variations in color

Interested in trying something new for Easter egg coloring this year?  Reneé Savary of Twin Oaks Farm in Bonifay has shared her recipe to coloring eggs using fresh vegetables.

2 cups of grated beets,
2 cups of water

3 large handfuls of yellow/brown onion skins
2 tsp of turmeric
3 cups of water

1lb frozen blueberries, crushed
2 cups of water

Simmer each individually for ½ hour, then strained, add to each color 3 tablespoons of vinegar. The first day the colors are pale, I left them sit overnight and cooked it some more the next day and the colors become darker.

Deep your hard boiled eggs in each color. The longer you leave it in the darker the color. I left mine between 5 minutes to 15 minutes to have different shades, then let it dry on a rack. Once dryed I rub the eggs with some olive oil to give them a nice shinny look.

For more information about Twin Oaks Organic Farm, go to: www.twinoaksfarm.net

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