Community Walton hosting fundraiser for 211 service Nov. 20

November 7, 2010

Event to raise funds to implement 211 service in Walton County

Community Walton is hosting a fundraiser to bring 211, an information and referral service to Walton County.  The event will be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Miramar Beach on Nov. 20 at 6 p.m.

In addition to a fun catwalk with local male celebrities, there will be auction items such as Super Bowl tickets in Dallas, A Trip for Two to Tuscany, Italy for Seven Days, Top Gun fighter pilot experience, weekend tickets to the Masters and more.  Calendars with the Men Who Service Walton will also be available for purchase. For more information or to purchase tickets or calendars, go

About 211:
211 is an accredited information and referral service.  It is a central database of community services, whether it be disaster assistance, recovery, medical services – any human need that is not covered by 911.  It can just be someone to talk to in the middle of the night because you are unable to sleep due to family problems, a death in the family or overwhelming financial problems.  It is also a resource for people to find out where they can volunteer–whether they are new in town or just wanting to become active in the community. It provides critical information on what services are lacking in a community as well.

Approximately 70-80% of calls nationwide are for utility assistance.  A person’s inability to pay utility bills are the first step on a slippery slope to homelessness. There are services out there to help those in need, but for the most part, they have to call before their electricity or water is turned off.

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1 Comment
    1. Thanks Walton Outdoors. 80% of the United States is covered by 211. It is a disgrace that right here on the coast in hurricane alley, and where 15% of the kids in Walton County live in poverty that we don’t have 211. We have to ask why–and then do something about it!! Jane Burns, Chairperson, Community Walton

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