Walton area children give to nature and those in need
On Dec. 4 children gathered at the Coastal Branch Library in Santa Rosa beach and spent the afternoon making ornaments for wild birds. Decorations were made of pine cones coated with peanut butter and bird seed along with pipe cleaners threaded with Cheerios. The children then decorated a tree next to the library as a special treat for the wildlife. The day quickly got more exciting when Santa arrived with candy and listened to all of their Christmas wishes.
On Dec. 5, dozens of children participated in the South Walton Fire District’s Elf Ride to benefit the Caring and Sharing Angel tree. Santa’s elves rode their bikes from Seaside to the SWFD Station 2 in Seagrove. The generous helpers donated toys for the cause and enjoyed hot chocolate and treats.
Angel names for Caring and Sharing are still available from through Dec. 15. The cards are available at Station 3/Headquarters on CR 393 in Santa Rosa Beach from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Mon. – Fri. Pick up your Angel and return either wrapped or unwrapped gift. For more information or to schedule a special time arrangement to select an angel name, please contact Diane Brown, Executive Assistant at Station 3/Headquarters, (850) 267-1298, via email at dbrown@swfd.org or visit their website at www.swfd.org