Choctawhatchee Audubon Society Sept. events

August 18, 2017

7 September: Monthly Meeting and Presentation:  “Southeasten Hummingbirds—A lot more than you might think”, by Fred Bassett, founder of Hummingbird Research, Inc and federally certified bird bander. Bassett has banded over 35,000 hummingbirds from Miami, Fl to Haines Alaska. The program will discuss Ruby-throated hummingbirds in depth and introduce several Western hummingbird species that Bassett has banded locally and followed through their migration and wintering in Okaloosa County.

The meeting will be held in Room 130 of the student services building (Bldg 400) at the Northwest Florida State College – Niceville campus. Socializing begins at 6:30 PM and the program at 7:00 PM. Admission is free and open to the public. Call or e-mail Dr. Don Baltz at (225) 252-2760, for more information. Please visit our website at and our Facebook page at Choctawhatchee Audubon Society.

30 September: Bird Walk. Join local birders in a walk through Fred Gannon Rocky Bayou State Park in Niceville led by noted expert, Lenny Fenimore. Meet at the Oak Creek Shopping Center parking lot by CVS in Niceville on HY 20 at 7:40 AM and drive 4 miles to the Park. Pay $5.00 Park entrance fee. Wear closed toed shoes and bring bug spray, binoculars and water. Call (850) 863-2039 for additional information.

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