2 May 2015: Bird Walk: Veteran’s Park on Okaloosa Island. See this magnificent rookery and migrant stopover with veteran birder, Malcolm Swan. Swan will offer interpretation that is sure to increase your appreciation of this important environmental asset. Meet at 7:30 AM at the park entrance at the southeast corner of the Emerald Coast Convention Center parking lot. From Hwy 98, turn into the main Convention Center entrance and bear around to the right as you enter the parking area. Bring a hat, sunscreen, walking shoes and water. Plan to have brunch afterward. For more information, call Malcolm at 210-343-9082.
7 May 2015: Monthly Meeting and Program: “Water Quality in Choctawhatchee Bay and Bayous as Monitored by the Aqualab Program” by Brad Hartshorne, Florida Department of Environmental Programs, Pensacola. Hartshorne will demonstrate how a small group of volunteers, supported by the Okaloosa County TDC, can commit to a long term water quality program. Results of water quality measurements and trends in local waters will be discussed.
The meeting will be held in Room 130 of the new Student Services Building at Northwest Fla. State College main campus in Niceville. Socializing begins at 6:30 PM, and the program begins at 7:00. Admission is free and open to the interested public. Call Gary Parsons at 850-678-1461 for more information.
9 May 2015: Coastal Bird Stewardship Training Walk: Bonnie Samuelson of Audubon Florida will conduct this educational event centered on protecting our nesting shorebirds, such as Snowy Plovers. Meet at the parking area at the SW foot of Marler (Destin) Bridge on Okaloosa Island at 7:30 AM. For more information, call Bonnie at 941-951-7704.