Choctawhatchee Audubon Society March 2015 events

February 16, 2015

CAScolorlogoMarch 5Monthly Meeting and Program: “Pollinators in Peril”, By Marie Harrison, author and contributing writer to Florida Gardening.  Marie will discuss the role of pollinators in local ecosystems, reasons for their decline, the importance of choosing native plants and other key concepts.  Diminishing populations of pollinators seriously impacts many species, especially birds.

The meeting will be held in Room 130 of the new Student Services Building at Northwest Fla. State College. Socializing begins at 6:30 PM, and the program begins at 7:00. Admission is free and open to the interested public. Call Gary Parsons at 850-678-1461 for more info.

March 14: Bird Walk: Join Malcom Mark Swan for a birding trip on the Eglin Reservation. Search for Bachman’s Sparrows and Red-cockaded Woodpeckers with an experienced birder. All attendees will need an Eglin Recreational Pass acquired prior to this date, available from Jackson Guard on Hwy 85 N. in Niceville next to the entrance of the Eglin Golf Course. Meet-up is at 7:30 AM at Winn Dixie on Hwy. 20 in Bluewater Bay. Wear long pants and bring water, hat, binoculars, and insect repellent. Call Malcolm at 210-343-9082

March 21: Bird Walk: Local birder, Dee Nickerson, will lead a bird walk in the S. Walton Courthouse area. Expect to see early migrants, and possibly a Northern Parula. Plan to have brunch together afterwards. Meet-up is at the Winn Dixie on Hwy 20 in Bluewater Bay at 7:30 AM. Call Dee at 850-499-9269 for more info.

March 28: Birding the Bayou by Boat: Local photopaddler, Walt Spence, will lead a canoe/kayak birding trip on a Niceville-area bayou. All attendees must register in advance by calling Walt at 850-582-7064, and they must also bring their own boat, safety equipment, drinking water, and sunscreen. Meet-up will be at 7:30 AM in front of Badcock Furniture in Bayou Plaza on Hwy 20 in Niceville.  Space will be limited.

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