Choctawhatchee Audubon Society December events

November 24, 2015

CAScolorlogoDecember 3: Monthly Meeting and Program: Pictorial Survey of Birds that are Rare or Difficult to Identify during the Christmas Bird Count by Alan Knothe, biologist. The Christmas Bird Count is an internationally recognized survey monitoring the population of birds. Alan, a noted local birding expert, will explain the key identification features for rare or unusual sightings using high quality digital photography. The meeting will be held in Room 130 on the ground floor of the Student Services Building (Bld. 400) at Northwest Fla. State College. Socializing begins at 6:30 PM, and the program begins at 7:00. Admission is free and open to the interested public. Call Walt Spence at 850-582-7064 for more info.

December 12: Annual Members Christmas Party will be held at the home of Margaret and John Benner in Niceville. There will be a silent auction with birding themed items and a covered dish dinner, BYOB. To make reservations and get directions, call Margaret at 678-6665.

December 14: Christmas Bird Count. Join in the nation’s largest citizen science project! Have positions available for spotters and recorders. No experience is necessary, but be prepared to start early on this day-long event. Call Alan Knothe for more information at 850-208-1780.


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