Choctawhatchee Audubon Society activities for December 2018

November 26, 2018

December 6: Thursday evening program. The Christmas Bird Count is the oldest and largest wildlife survey in the world. CAS Bird Count Coordinator, Alan Knothe, will give a history of past local bird counts as well as a preview of what to expect on this year’s count scheduled for December 17th.   All are welcome, from the most seasoned experts to beginners.  The program will be held in room 308/309 of the Student Services Building 400 at the Northwest Florida State College Niceville campus. Socializing begins at 6:30 PM and the program at 7:00 PM. Admission is free and open to the public. Contact Dave Clausen at (907) 321-3701 for more information.

December 8: Birdwalk at the Wright Landfill and Okaloosa Holding ponds. Join experienced birder Alan Knothe in an interesting trip to see ducks, waders, raptors and winter residents.   Meet at Pepito’s parking lot, 1313 Lewis Turner Blvd at 7:30 AM. Wear closed toe shoes, a hat and possibly rain gear. Bring binoculars and/or a camera. Contact Alan at (850) 208-1780 for additional information. Please visit their website at

December 17: Participate in the Annual Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count (CBC). The CBC is a flagship Audubon program used by researchers and others to detect trends in bird populations and migratory behavior. You will be assigned to a team devoted to counting and documenting sightings in various zones in Okaloosa County. Contact Alan at (850) 208-1780 for additional information. Please visit their website at

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