Choctawhatchee Audubon Society activities

April 20, 2018

April 28: Bird Walk at Veterans Park on Okaloosa Island. Join birder Malcolm Swan for a comfortable exploration of wetlands, bayside beach and wooded uplands. Meet at the NE corner of the Emerald Coast Convention Center parking lot at 7:30 AM. Walk ends around 11:00 AM. See nesting herons and spring migrants. Rare birds are frequently detected here. Contact Malcolm at 210 343-9082 for details. Please visit

May 3: Program Title: Biophilia: Love of all living things.   Enjoy an inspiring presentation by Tess Miller about the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center. Learn about its beginnings, mission, and amazing programs. Meet and learn about some of our local native animals.

The program will be held in room 302 (changed from 308/309) of the Student Services Building 400 at the Northwest Florida State College Niceville campus. Socializing begins at 6:30 PM and the program at 7:00 PM. Admission is free and open to the public. Call or e-mail Dr Don Baltz at (225) 252-2760, for more information.

May 5: Birding on Eglin Reservation in search of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers and Bachman’s Sparrow led by Malcolm Swan. You must have a Eglin Jackson Guard pass for this adventure into a beautiful pine savanna forest. Meet at the Eglin AFB Armament Museum parking lot at 7 AM. Contact Malcolm at (210) 343-9082 for additional information.

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