

Ribbon cutting held for new Padgett Park Community Center

Center open, play area completed On Nov. 19, Walton County District 5 commissioner Cecilia Jones hosted a ribbon cutting for the new Padgett Park on J.D. Miller Road in Santa Rosa Beach. The park is named after Timothy Padgett, a Special Forces medical sergeant from Walton County who died in the line of duty in Afghanistan in 2007. Also in attendance was Padgett’s mother Glenda Penton and newly elected District 5 commissioner Cindy Meadows. The Community Center is the first...

Take a night hike at Topsail Nov. 7

See and hear the creatures of the night! Time: 4:45 p.m. There are many creatures that come out after the sun goes down. Come join the folks at Topsail for a night hike as we try and spot and hear some of these creatures. The walk begins by watching the sunset, then a 1 mile hike back to the day use parking lot. Meet at the Day-Use parking area at 4:45 p.m. and ride the 5 p.m. tram to the...

Learn about vultures at Topsail Nov. 2

Time: 1:30 p.m. Come learn about vultures at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park on Nov. 2. These often misunderstood birds play a vital role in the health of our forests. Meet at the Day-Use entrance off of Hwy 30A and take a short hike to the clubhouse. All programs require a $6.00 per car entry admission into the park. Topsail Hill Preserve State Park is located at 7525 W. County Highway 30A, Santa Rosa Beach, FL  32459 Phone: (850) 267-8330...

Early autumn in Walton County abounds with color

Autumn brings colorful display to forest floors Fall brings a colorful time to explore the outdoors in  Northwest Florida. In Walton County, we are fortunate to have several State Parks and the Point Washington State Forest providing and abundance of seasonal wildflowers and migrating butterflies. To name just a few native flowers in bloom this time of year are wild buckweat (Eriogonum tomentosum), hairy jointweed (Polygonella basiramia), senna symeria (seymeria cassioides), goldenaster (Chrysopsis sabrella), goldenrod (Soldago tortifolia), figwort (Agalinis satacea)...