

Camellia and Art Fest at Eden Gardens State Park Feb. 23

Learn all about camellias Location: Eden Gardens State Park Sat. Feb. 23, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m Eden Gardens State Park and the Friends of Eden Gardens would like to invite everyone to the annual Camellia and Art Fest on Saturday, Febuary 23, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Festivities begin with talks being given on Camellia identification, air layering (propagation), and the general maintenance and pest control of Camellias.  Camellias, air layered from Eden plants, will be available from the...

Major improvements on the way for three Holmes Creek landings

Restoration planned for Hightower, Spurling and Live Oak Landings Continuing its focus on water supply and natural resource protection, the Northwest Florida Water Management District Governing Board today approved an agreement of up to $200,000 with Washington County for a series of streambank restoration and protection activities along Holmes Creek. In a separate item, the Board also approved up to $235,845 in grant funding to the City of Blountstown to complete needed repairs and upgrades to its water distribution system....

Camp Helen State Park history tour Jan. 5

Time: 10 – 10:45 a.m. The Department of Environmental Protection’s Camp Helen State Park invites you to their history walk at Camp Helen State Park. Come learn about the early history of the park and local area while wandering on a guided tour around Camp Helen’s restored historical buildings. The history walk takes place the first Saturday of each month. Participation Requirements: • Must have the ability to follow visual and/or verbal instruction independently or with the assistance of a...

Enjoy a New Year’s Day hike at a Northwest Florida State Park

Florida’s State parks celebrating First Day Hike 2013 The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida Park Service invites the public to get back to nature and start the New Year out right by participating in America’s State Parks First Day Hikes 2013 on Jan. 1, 2013. America’s State Parks First Day Hikes offer individuals and families an opportunity to begin the New Year rejuvenating and connecting with the outdoors by taking a healthy hike on Jan. 1 at a state...

Holiday greetings from Walton Outdoors

Warmest wishes for a very Merry Christmas Walton Outdoors would like to thank all of our readers for sharing and exploring the wonders of the outdoors this year. Peace and harmony to you and yours this holiday season. We look forward to sharing exciting new adventures in the coming year. God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars. ~ Martin Luther...

Hike Campbell Lake at Topsail Dec. 15

Time: 2:30 p.m. Come join the rangers Sat., Dec. 15 for a hike to one of our beautiful and rare coastal dune lakes. This ranger led hike will begin at Tram Stop 1 in the day use parking area. Distance will be about 3 miles round trip. All programs require a $6.00 entry admission into the park. Outside tours canceled during severe weather. Call 267-8330 for more information. Topsail Hill Preserve State Park is located at 7525 W. County Highway...

A snowy plover family thrives at Grayton Beach State Park

2012 season proved best year ever for tiny shorebirds at South Walton State Park Photos by Jeff Talbert, Florida State Park Services Specialist 
Information gleaned from report by Raya Pruner, Biological Scientist, Florida Park Service, District 1 As we enjoy our wonderful beaches in South Walton, many visitors and locals are not aware that we are sharing vital habitat for a variety of shorebirds. Our dune systems and coastal dune lakes provide perfect nesting areas and foraging habitat for a...