Outdoor Family Fun


Movies and more outdoors at Camp Helen State Park this summer

The eighth annual Movies and More series at Camp Helen State Park begins on Thursday, June 16. The summer fun series will continue on Thursdays June 30, July 14 and July 28. Complimentary hotdogs, chips, water, and smores will be provided by the FOCH. The evenings begin at 7:00 pm with music, hula hoops, crafts and a new interpretive program each week. Our series will kick off June 16 with Luca which will feature a program from Gulf World Marine...

Guided kayak tours at Camp Helen State Park every Tuesday in June

Join Camp Helen State Park staff for a leisurely 90-minute paddle on Lake Powell, the largest coastal dune lake in North America on Tues., June 7, 14, 21, or 28, 2022 from 9 – 11 a.m. Learn about the history, natural communities and wildlife that make this Outstanding Florida Water unique and important. Guided kayak tour will be enjoyable for individuals, families and groups. Must be 12 years of age or older and able to independently navigate your own kayak....

Cool off at a splash pad, pool or spring in Walton County

One way to cool off on a hot summer day is to head over to one of Walton County’s splash pads, Morrison Springs, or two of Walton’s community pools. Most all the parks also offer a playground area. All have restroom facilities and some offer picnic areas to enjoy a full day of fun. All parks are open 7 days a week from dawn to dusk and the splash pads open weather permitting, except Freeport Community Pool which is open...

Guided bird walk at St. Andrews State Park May 19

Join the Friends of St. Andrews State Park on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 5 pm at Gator Lake for a bird walk. It is still breeding season at the rookery and a chance to see the birds in the area.  Mary Jo Capra will lead the viewing. Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, and binoculars, if you have them.  (Friends will have a few pairs to share). St. Andrews State Park is located at 4607 State Park Lane, Panama City, Florida 32408...

Ranger led nature hike at Camp Helen State Park June 2

Enjoy a ranger-led nature hike at Camp Helen State Park on Thursday, June 2, 2022 from 10 – 11 a.m. Park rangers will lead a nature hike through Camp Helen’s nine distinct natural communities that host a diversity of plants and wildlife. Please dress appropriately for hiking multiple terrains of sand and packed earth trails. Bring water, bug repellent and any other appropriate items for variable weather conditions. Hike is suitable for all ages. Dress for the weather; water and bug spray are recommended....