

Choctawhatchee Audubon events for May 2014

May 1: Monthly Meeting and Program: “Caught on Camera: Butterflies and Moths,” MaryAnn Friedman, Butterfly Enthusiast. MaryAnn will present an amazing photographic collection of butterflies and moths with an emphasis on the many varieties of Florida Lepidoptera. Conservation issues, identification pointers, and some outstanding nearby butterfly locations will also be discussed. The meeting will be held in Room 130 on the ground floor of the Student Services Center at the Niceville campus of Northwest Florida State College, and will begin...

Choctawhatchee Estuary Family Festival in Niceville April 26

The Seventh Annual Choctawhatchee Estuary Family Festival, a free family and community event for all ages, will be held Saturday, April 26 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Fred Gannon Rocky Bayou State Park, located at 4281 Highway 20 East in Niceville. There is no park entrance fee for the festival which offers fun activities, hand-on displays and environmental awareness. The event is hosted by the Mattie M. Kelly Cultural & Environmental Institute at Northwest Florida State College, with...

Mother opposum wreaks havoc at Freeport home

Dan Baker of Freeport sent us a story about an unusual event at his home in Freeport April 14. We’ll let Dan tell the story: “Yesterday evening around 9:00 P.M. windows open, fresh air and pure bliss was over me while watching the reruns of the Masters Invitational when suddenly our cats, Percy and Mini and the adorable dog Bella stirred in a panic after a quiet evening.  They all wanted out of this house barking howling, screaming, squalling and...