

Renovations complete at Cotton Landing on Holmes Creek

Northwest Florida Water Management District has completed much needed renovations to Cotton Landing on Holmes Creek. The restoration stabilized approximately 125 linear feet of shoreline, helping to reduce erosion as well as new storm water treatment. ADA boardwalks and access points have also been installed. The landing has new overlooks with benches, a picnic pavilion, porta-potty, and improved parking. In addition, native trees such as Florida maple and cypress have been planted to help restore the eroded areas. Primitive campsites...

Watch for a total solar eclipse on Aug. 21

On Monday, Aug. 21, 2017, a total eclipse will cross the entire United States, coast-to-coast, for the first time since 1918. Weather permitting, the entire continent will have the opportunity to view an eclipse as the moon passes in front of the sun, casting a shadow on Earth’s surface. The Walton area will see eclipse at: 1:38 p.m. Viewable: 88.7% Obscuration: 82.7% NASA Television will air a multi-hour show, Eclipse Across America: Through the Eyes of NASA, with unprecedented live...

McQuage Bayou multiple-use trail in Point Washington State Forest undergoes restoration

The McQuage Bayou trail in south Walton’s Point Washington State Forest has undergone restoration and is now open for biking, hiking, and horse-back riding. The trail, originally established as equestrian-use only, has been closed to the public due to the deterioration of two large bridges along the path. The condition of these bridges made traveling the trail unsafe. With major improvements to the bridges, the trail itself and a refurbished trailhead, work is complete. The trail is open 7 days...

American Flamingos pass through South Walton

A lot of flurry going on in South Walton County the last few days as a pair of American Flamingos have been spotted along the Gulf not far from Deer Lake State Park. Initially spotted shorty after tropical storm Cindy passed though the Gulf coast, the flamingos were first seen on Perdido Key near Pensacola, then at a pond on Eglin Air Force Base, and most recently in South Walton. Not native to our area, it has caused quite a...

Beautiful railroad vines help protect South Walton beaches

Beautiful plant strengthens sand dunes Always a pleasant sight along South Walton’s beaches, the beautiful blooming railroad vine is also an important protector of our sand dunes. As with the sea oats, the plant helps to stabilize the dunes by rooting at nodes all along its length, and is often planted for that purpose. Each flower opens only once, in the morning, but keep blooming almost all year long, peaking from May through November. The railroad vine (Ipomoea pes-caprae) is...

Audubon Florida’s rooftop coordinator takes sky-high approach to protect nesting least terns

Emily McKiddy, Audubon Florida’s Panhandle rooftop coordinator, works year-round from Pensacola to Panama City. She surveys a variety of gravel rooftop-nesting birds and works with building owners, volunteers, and partners to return tiny, fallen chicks to rooftop nests and to install protective measures that will prevent tiny chicks from falling in subsequent years. In spring, flocks of least terns return from their wintering grounds in South America to the Florida Panhandle to breed. The birds prefer nesting on flat, open, sandy beaches on...

E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center offering summer hours and day camps

The E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center will be offering summer hours June and July, and children’s summer day camps June – August. Fun comes naturally at the Biophilia Center as they offering a large selection of summer day camps to choose from. Whether it be a week-long experience or a single-day adventure, the E.O.Wilson Biophilia Center is sure to keep your campers exploring science, nature, and the arts while they are out of school.  Make sure to register your camper early and...