

Hazmat recycling and waste tire amnesty day at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park Nov. 17

Time: 8 am – 12 pm Join Topsail Hill Preserve State Park as it hosts a hazmat recycling and waste tire amnesty collection on November 17, 2018 from 8:00 am to Noon.  Representatives from the Walton County Solid Waste and Recycling office will be on hand to help unload the following items from your car: Pesticides, Used Oil, Stale Gasoline, Solvents, Fertilizers, Paint, Paint Thinners, Paint Strippers, Batteries, Furniture Polish, Brake Fluid, Engine Degreasers, Anti-Freeze, Pool Chemicals, Insecticides and  Spot...

Walton County Emergency Management launches volunteer process to assist with relief

In the wake of Hurricane Michael, Walton County has been inundated with volunteer requests from our wonderful County residents. In order to provide an opportunity for those who would like to volunteer, we have created a registration link. Want to volunteer? Please do not drive into the Panama City area to hunt opportunities, OR to drive around and sight see. Traffic is affecting first responders and home owners. Go here to volunteer: https://www.volunteerflorida.org/… Emergency Management is looking for volunteers to...

Walton County Health Department issues rabies alert

On Sept. 19, 2018, the Florida Department of Health in Walton County (DOH-Walton) received confirmation of a fourth fox that has tested positive for rabies.  The location of the four foxes were, two in the Windswept area of Freeport and two in North Walton.  Therefore, the rabies alert will be extended for another 60 days. All residents and visitors in Walton County should be aware that rabies is present in the wild animal population and domestic animals are at risk...

Health Department issues mosquito borne illnesses advisory

Walton County, Fla.—The Florida Department of Health in Walton County (DOH-Walton) today advised residents there has been an increase in mosquito-borne disease activity in areas of Walton County. Several sentinel chicken flocks have tested positive for West Nile virus infection in South Walton. The risk of transmission to humans has increased. South Walton County Mosquito Control, North Walton Mosquito Control and DOH-Walton continue surveillance and prevention efforts. DOH-Walton reminds residents and visitors to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes and to...

Walton County hurricane preparedness workshop July 16

Walton County Emergency Management will be hosting a hurricane preparedness workshop at 5:30 p.m. July 16. The event will be held at South Walton Annex Board Room, 31 Coastal Centre Blvd, Santa Rosa Beach. Some of the topics that will be discussed include: What does Emergency Management do? Evacuation decision making process Public alert and notification – Alert Walton Re-Entry processes Questions and answers This is a great opportunity to learn how the Walton County Emergency Management team prepares for...

Watermelon contest in Chipley June 23

The Panhandle Watermelon Festival on Saturday, June 23 is hosting a watermelon competition. The festival committee is accepting both homeowner and commercially grown melons for contribution to the Big Melon Contest and Auction. Entries must be brought to the Washington County Agricultural Center, 1424 Jackson Ave., Chipley FL. no later than 3:30 pm on Friday, June 22. Winners of the contest will be announced prior to the scheduled auction at 12:00 pm and will subsequently be auctioned off along with...

Cops on Top Summit for Heroes June 30

On Saturday, June 30, teams from across the country will set out to summit their state’s highest point in honor of the law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty. On that day, Walton County Sheriff’s Office will be reaching our states highest point, which is Britton Hill located in Lakewood Park, Paxton to honor of officers and deputies who have been killed in the line of duty. The event will begin at 11 a.m. The...