

A guide to Florida snakes

Knowledge is power when sharing the outdoors with these interesting reptiles Florida has an abundance of wildlife, including a wide variety of reptiles. Snakes, and their cousins the alligators, crocodiles, turtles and lizards, play an interesting and vital role in Florida’s complex ecology. Many people have an uncontrollable fear of snakes. Perhaps because man is an animal who stands upright, he has developed a deep-rooted aversion to all crawling creatures. And, too, snakes long have been use in folklore to...

Antique tractor collection could become Walton County’s newest attraction

Is it possible that the world’s largest fully restored antique tractor collection resides in Walton County? Walton County Commissioner Tony Anderson says, “Some say that Dr. James Sheppard’s vast collection is just that. It is an exciting opportunity for the County to work with state and federal agencies along with private sector entities to secure funding opportunities to keep this jewel in Walton County without utilizing and local taxes or funding.” Sheppard grew up with his family as a Tenant...

Camellia Festival at Eden Gardens State Park Feb. 15

Join the Friends of Eden as they celebrate the annual Camellia Festival at Eden Gardens State Park in Santa Rosa Beach on Sat. Feb. 15, 2020 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The festival includes presentations on camellias, from how they are air layered to floral arrangements. There will also be heritage presenters throughout the park, demonstrating skills such as blacksmithing, chair caning and candle making, and more. The band Earth Vibes will provide musical entertainment on the bayou stage....

Free living history exhibits in DeFuniak Springs, Jan. 24-26

Forest Service tree giveaway Jan. 25 Cannon blasts, turpentine demonstrations, native American storytelling, an indoor nature trail, a vintage camper show, a Civil War and Florida Frontiersmen Settlement Camp, Black History presentations, a tree give-away, and many other living history exhibits, demonstrations and presentations will be in full swing Friday, January 24 through Sunday, January 25 at Chipley Park, 3 Circle Drive in DeFuniak Springs, Florida.  These events and parking are free and compliment the activities of the annual, historic...

Landscape design workshop in Niceville Jan. 21 – Feb. 25

Okaloosa County Master Gardener volunteers offer classes on gardening as non-credit continuing education courses. A six-week Landscape Design Workshop with Instructor Karen Kirk-Williams and a team of Master Gardener Volunteers will be offered at Northwest Florida State College beginning January 21 through February 25. The Tuesday classes are from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and will provide a step-by-step, interactive approach to learning how to design, install, and maintain an environmentally friendly landscape using Florida-friendly plants. The course includes an...

Wesley House at Eden lights up for the holidays, candle light tour Dec. 14

A wonderful holiday tradition in South Walton continues as Eden Gardens State Park Wesley House lights up for the holidays. Tours of the Wesley House are Thursday – Monday from 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., every hour on the hour. The Christmas decorations will be up through Dec. 31. The rest of the park is open 7 days a week. Enjoy the walk through the luminaries and a candlelight tour from 5 – 8 p.m. on Dec. 14, 2019. Take a free tour...

Christmas tour of homes in DeFuniak Springs Dec. 7

St. Agatha’s Episcopal Church is hosting the 2019 Christmas Tour of Homes in DeFuniak Springs on Dec. 7. The tour will be held the entire day with a $5 continental breakfast at St. Agatha’s at 150 Circle Drive from 8 – 10 a.m. The home tour will be from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and will feature 10 homes, 3 restored businesses, 2 homes under historic restoration (drive-by only), the church’s three historic buildings and 3-5 antique or classic cars...

Santa sightings, holiday events in north and south Walton

‘Tis the season for Santa Claus spotting and photo opportunities with the big guy. Also some outdoor markets and family oriented outdoor events. Here are a few ideas: Nov. 29 Alys in Winter Wonderland 10 a.m. -12 p.m. Join Santa for cookie decorating and holiday cheer. Cookies to decorate will be available for purchase in Central Park, two cookies for $5. Unwrapped children’s toys will be accepted for donation to a local Angel Tree Program and nonperishable, non-glass food items...