

Walton Outdoors wishes you a happy Independence Day

Click here to listen to the Declaration of Independence IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions...

Walton County lifts burn ban; reinstates beach bonfire and special event permits

May 26, 2020 – During today’s Walton County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) meeting, held at the DeFuniak Springs Courthouse at 9:00 am on Tuesday, May 26, the BCC took several actions in regard to COVID-19. The first of these actions was to reinstate the following:  1. Reinstatement of beach bonfire permits as permitted by the South Walton Fire District. 2. Reinstatement of special event permitting as allowed in the Walton County Waterways and Beach Activities Ordinance. The reinstatement of both...

Remember our fallen service men and women this Memorial Day

Take a moment to remember the brave soldiers who gave their lives for the United States of America As many of us enjoy an extended Memorial Day weekend by firing up the grill, heading to the beach, watching the Indy 500, or simply enjoying an extra day off with family and friends; please take a moment to remember our brave soldiers who gave their lives for our country. Since 1868, we have set aside this special day of remembrance. Nearly...

Burn ban in effect for Walton County

May 12, 2020 – At today’s Walton County Board of County Commissioners meeting the board voted unanimously to enact a burn ban for all of Walton County. The ban goes into effect today and will last until rescinded by Walton County Board of County Commissioners. This ban includes beach bonfires and any other “open flame.” The only exceptions are authorized burns by Florida Forestry Service or for the cooking of food exclusively in a gas or charcoal grill. For more...

Fire weather warning issued for entire Panhandle

May 11, 2020 – SOUTHPORT, Fla. – The National Weather Service is issuing a Red Flag Warning for our area today. Critically low relative humidity percentages combined with sustained winds of 15 mph are predicted this afternoon. ‘These conditions, coupled with a lack of adequate rainfall, create an increased potential for wildfire activity. Any open fire will have the potential to escalate quickly causing catastrophic damage. Holmes and Washington counties have issued county wide burn bans in their local jurisdictions....

Know the law before you burn

Did you know escaped debris burning is one of the leading causes of wildfires in Florida? With the extremely dry weather upon us, burn bans are in effect across the Florida Panhandle. The Florida Forest Service administers Florida’s outdoor burning and forest fire laws, along with issuing the permits. For beach bonfire permits, contact South Walton Fire District at 850-267-1298. To learn more, click here. Each County’s Board of County Commissioners issues burn bans, so keep abreast of your local...

The legend of Euchee Indian Chief Sam Story

Could it be an Euchee (Yuchi) Indian chief named Sam Story was the earliest known conservationist in Walton county? Our history books tell us so, however some traditions handed down may be simply legends, and solidified as truth when shared through generations. So with that said, here is one story, through a collection of information, about a man named Sam Story. Historic documentation shows many of the earliest white settlers in Walton County were Scottish families from North and South...