

Daffodil lecture in DeFuniak Springs Nov. 14

On Sat., Nov.14, 2020 from 10 -11 a.m., Master Gardener Dara Dobson of 7 Pines Native Plant Nursery will host a free lecture on daffodils. The program will cover best cultivars for our warm climate, how to plant and how to maintain for years of enjoyment. There will be 10 types of bulbs available for purchase. Short Daffodil history Growth cycle, best planting practices Correct planting Depth and spacing Best cultivars for the south Planting in pots/demonstration Forcing bulbs 7...

Learn about cane syrup making in Chipley Nov. 7

Maphis Nursery and Tree Farm is hosting an old fashioned cany syrup making event on Sat., Nov.  7, 2020 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Join in to see how cane syrup was made in the old days. Chew some cane, drink some juice, help feed the mill. It’s all in a good days fun and is free for you to attend. Cane syrup will be available afterwards for purchase. Maphis Nursery and Tree Farm is located at 814 Rattlebox...

South Walton Fire District hosting Angel Tree

South Walton Fire District is once again sponsoring the Caring and Sharing Angel Tree. Each holiday season the “Angel Tree” is filled with names of children throughout Walton County that otherwise may not receive Christmas gifts without your assistance. “Angels” are available for selection beginning through Dec. 1, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Station 3/Headquarters, 911 North County Highway 393, Santa Rosa Beach. The deadline for gift drop off is Dec. 2, 2020....

Walton County hazmat day Oct. 31

Walton County Haz-Mat Collection Day will be held Saturday, October 31 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Walton County Solid Waste offers our citizens an environmentally safe way to dispose of hazardous household waste at no charge. There are two events annually, usually in the spring and again in the fall, at two separate locations in the county. Walton County Fairgrounds – Highway 83 North, DeFuniak Springs Topsail Hill Preserve State Park – 7525 W County Highway 30A, Santa Rosa...

Walton County hosting clean up in Choctaw Beach Oct. 8 – 12

Walton County is offering dumpsters in Choctaw Beach at Cedar Ave. and Jupiter Drive Oct. 8 – 12, 2020. Dumpsters will be provided for Walton County residents to dispose of tires (4), appliances, electronics, metal, furniture, old lumber, junk, and other miscellaneous debris. The District 4 Road Crew will collect yard waste in the community during the week. This event is for the convenience of the residents of the community to dispose of small quantities of junk and debris. This...

Camp Helen State Park pumpkin patch opens Oct. 2

The friends of Camp Helen are excited to announce the opening of their pumpkin patch Friday, October 2 at 9 a.m. Pumpkins will be sold 7 days a week, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. through October 31 or until sold out. This year, patch will have social distancing measures in place. Everyone is encouraged to stay 6 feet apart and only handle pumpkins being purchased. Signage will be placed throughout the park with safety guidelines. They will accept all...

The advantages of muscadines and scuppernongs

When we moved to the Florida Panhandle in 1989 and bought a house in Wakulla County, my wife and I inherited a grape arbor that was planted by the original builder of the home many years previous. It consisted of three 4×4 posts with cross pieces at the top and a run of heavy gauge wire out near the ends of each cross piece. Maintenance had been lacking for some years so the vines had grown into a massive tangle...

A place called Eden: The Wesley home and Miss Maxon’s Estate at Eden Gardens State Park

By Marie Louise (Mickey) Wesley Swinford as told to Karen Schansman Note: This story was originally published in the historical book The Way We Were – Recollections of South Walton Pioneers; published in 1996 by South Walton Three Arts Alliance. Republished with permission. You may find a copy of the book that includes many short stories about our area’s colorful history at the Coastal Branch Library. You may also find its follow up book Of Days Gone By – Reflections...