

Recycle your Christmas tree in Walton County

Tree mulch will be available at County Landfill Don’t let your Christmas tree go to waste, recycle it! Place your old tree at the curb on your designated yard debris pick up day.  Waste Management asks that any tree taller than 6 ft. be cut in half. The trees will be transported to the Walton County landfill,  then processed on their chipper. Mulch will be available free to county residents and available the first week in Jan. For those that...

Why prescribed burns are good for the forest

Fire is key to a healthy pine forest Ever wonder why Forestry Service and State parks set fire to the forest? The answer is quite simple – to preserve a healthy forest habitat. Not only does the wildlife thrive after a burn, the forest floor rejuvenates to a proper natural balance. Many of Florida’s ecosystems such as longleaf pine sandhills, flatwoods and sand pine scrub cannot survive without fire. It releases nutrients and allows light into the forest allowing regeneration...

Learn about prescribed fires at Topsail Dec. 16

Get answers to all your burning questions Time: 1:30 p.m. Location: Topsail Hill Preserve State Park Fire is a natural process that has shaped Florida’s ecosystems over the years. Prescribed fires play a vital role in restoring “fire-dependent” natural communities. Learn the answers to all of your burning questions. Park at the Day-Use area and take a short hike to the clubhouse. $6.00 entry admission per vehicle into the park. Call (850) 267-8330 for more information. ::MAP::...

Take a historic tour of Econfina Dec. 10

Enjoy a day outdoors with the Florida Trail Association Date: December, 10th 2011 8:00 am – 12:00 pm The PANHANDLE Chapter of the Florida Trail Association is hosting a tour of Historic Econfina on December 10th. Tour guide will be Bob Hurst, a member of the FTA, Historical Society of Bay County, and Florida Panhandle Canoe and Kayak Club. The tour is open to the public. Sites that will be visited include Porter Cemetery, Walsingham Bridge/Path to the Forks, Gainer...