

Choctawhatchee Audubon events for November

November 1: A program titled, “The Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance, Instilling Environmental Stewardship through Monitoring, Education, Research, and Restoration,” will be presented by the Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance’s Director, Julie Terrell, at the November Meeting of the Choctawhatchee Audubon Society. The Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance of Northwest Florida State College (CBA) has been coordinating programs in Okaloosa and Walton counties inculcating watershed stewardship, estuarine education, and restoration of critical habitat in Choctawhatchee Bay. Ms. Terrell will describe CBA’s activities, including monitoring programs, both...

Look to the sky for migrating white pelicans in Northwest Florida

Migration time for white pelicans By Stan Kirkland, FWC One of the many benefits of living in the Florida panhandle and particularly near the coast is the vast variety of wildlife we often see. Daily, you’re apt to see bald eagles, ospreys, fox squirrels, black bears, wild turkeys, deer and numerous other species. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time. One species you may miss that’s migrating through our area now are white pelicans. Just...

Abundant life is just beyond your porch

No need to venture far to find interesting critters Backyard Safari by FWC Fall weather is settling in, and many animals have begun or will soon start foraging for winter. But it is still quite warm in the Sunshine State, and wildlife is frisky and abundant, especially in your backyard. Take a walk outside. Look in bushes, shrubs, grass, on flowers, in and under potted plants and on the walls of your house. And, don’t forget to look up. Birds...

Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance seeking volunteers Oct. 10

Help remove invasive Chinese Tallow trees On October 10, Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance will be removing invasive popcorn trees that were treated with herbicide last fall on Allen Lake in South Walton. The Nature Conservancy will be downing the trees down and cutting them up, and CBA need volunteers to carry the cut-up tree pieces to the road for pick-up. What: Popcorn-tree (Chinese tallow) removal When: Wed., Oct. 10, 2012, beginning 9 a.m. Where: Private property, near Allen Lake RSVP: Required –...

First human case of West Nile Virus in Walton County confirmed

Mosquito borne illness advisory issued Walton County Health Department has received confirmation of the county’s first human case of West Nile Virus.  The possibility that other individuals may become infected with the virus is extremely high.  Walton County has been under a Mosquito-Borne Illness Advisory since July 2012 due to increased sentinel chickens testing positive for EEE/West Nile Virus.  North Walton County Mosquito Control and South Walton Mosquito Control are continuing to spray and the health department encourages the public...