

Health advisory issued for Morrison Springs

Walton County – The Health Advisory is issued on July 15, 2021, for Morrison Springs. The Advisory is issued based on the criteria for fecal indicator bacteria. This should be considered a potential health risk to the bathing public and swimming is not recommended. Samples taken are above the public health threshold for fecal indicator bacteria. Water quality exceedances are based upon the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recommended standard of no more than 61 Enterococci CFU/100mL, or 235 E....

Help protect manatees and sea turtles with a waterproof sticker

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) just released the new 2021-2022 manatee and sea turtle decals. These high-quality waterproof stickers feature two different designs and are a fun way for people to directly support research, rescue and management efforts that conserve these species and spread awareness about the challenges they face. Each July, the FWC introduces new manatee and sea turtle decals that are available with a $5 donation. The designs look good on a vehicle’s bumper or the side...

DIY coastal dune lake clean-up day July 21

Help preserve our rare coastal dune lakes on Wednesday, July 21 with a do it yourself clean-up day. The event will be held from 9 – 11 am. Step 1: Pick your favorite coastal dune lake (by land or by water). Step 2: Bring your own bucket, mess bag, reusable gloves and trash pickers. Step 3: Place all trash collected at the closest Walton County TDC trash collection areas. Trash will be collected by Walton County TDC workers after 11:00...

Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Program seeking public input on our waterways

June 28, 2021 (Choctawhatchee Watershed). The Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Program (CBEP) was established by an interlocal agreement between Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes and Washington Counties to create a regional effort to address the issues concerning the Choctawhatchee Bay and its watershed. The goals of the program are to use scientifically sound, community-based approaches to protect and restore natural resources and water quality for the Choctawhatchee Bay, River and watershed. The CBEP also strives to strengthen community resiliency and environmental education to...

Florida Forest Service addressing road damage and vandalism on Point Washington State Forest

June 10, 2021 – Increased law enforcement presence will be noticed on Point Washington State Forest due to forest road damages and illegal dumping. Abuse to the forest damages wildlife habitat and hinders Florida Forest Service management practices. Chipola Forest Service Manager, Mike Mathis says “We encourage everyone to enjoy recreational opportunities on the forest, but illegal activities are destroying habitat and hindering our management practices.” Entering the Forest is only permitted by using designated public entrance and exit points....

Participate in the St. Joe Bay sea urchin roundup May 22

Bring your own boat, gloves, and snorkeling gear and join Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) in removing sea urchins from seagrass beds. FWC will provide maps and gps locations showing where to collect urchins and buckets to put them in. Return buckets filled with urchins to our check-in station and get some swag. Staff will relocate the urchins to deeper water away from seagrass. Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m.,May 22, 2021 and all urchins must be turned in by...

South Walton sea turtle nesting season May 1 – October 31

 Sea turtles are among the oldest creatures on earth, and have remained essentially unchanged for 110 million years. However, they face an uncertain future. Illegal harvesting, habitat encroachment, and pollution (physical and light) are only some of the issues sea turtles face as the beautiful creatures struggle to survive. Each year from May – October, there are four species of Florida sea turtles that nest along the beach in South Walton County – Loggerhead, Green, Leatherback and Kemps Ridley. Each...

Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary program public workshop on the Choctawhatchee River May 6

The Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Program, the University of Florida and the University of West Florida will be hosting a workshop on May 6, 2021 from 6 – 7 p.m. The workshop is designed to help shape priorities for management strategies of the Choctawhatchee Bay watershed. This is one installment of a three part workshop series designed to address the different parts of the watershed. This workshop will be focused Florida’s Choctawhatchee Bay and the surrounding area. Join in for an interactive...