If you are looking to pass some time, catch a few fish, teach a young one to how to do it, or purchase new species for your aquarium, head over to Carter Fish Farm in Westville.

Frank Carter has owned and operated his fish farm since the early 1960s, slowly adding a dozen ponds over the years, with nine stocked to drop a hook and line in. He stocks catfish, bream, bass, and tilapia. Cost is $2.00 to fish and whatever you catch is $1.75/lb. Bait is also available for $3.00.
“All you need to do is drop a line in and you will catch a fish right away,” said Carter.
Once in the wholesale aquarium trade, Carter continues to offer a variety of fish for your fresh water aquarium or garden pond. He offers koi, goldfish, swordtails, platys, and guppies.
Carter Fish Farm is located at 2109 Enroute Lane, Westville, Florida 32464. Tel: 850-548-5602.