Alligator Point Sea Turtle Patrol videos loggerhead and Kemp’s Ridley nesting

June 28, 2009

Loggerhead nesting at Alligator Point. Photo courtesy Alligator Point Sea Turtle Patrol
Loggerhead nesting at Alligator Point. Photo courtesy Alligator Point Sea Turtle Patrol

The volunteers from Alligator Point Sea Turtle Patrol have captured on video both a loggerhead and a Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle nesting this month. Alligator Point is east of Apalachicola. To view video  CLICK HERE

A Kemp's Ridley turtle nesting at Alligator Point. Photo courtesy Alligator Point Sea Turtle Patrol
A Kemp's Ridley turtle nesting at Alligator Point. Photo courtesy Alligator Point Sea Turtle Patrol
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1 Comment
    1. We have owned a lot at the Point since 1972…I have NEVER seen a turtle nesting. This si so exciting to see !! I am so sad that our wildlife is in harm’s way. Thank you, Patrol, for what you do.

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