All dressed up and ready for a new home
These smartly dressed felines each have their own distinct personalities, but both believe in the importance of maintaining impeccable personal appearance. Lowery and Toto are just two of the awesome tuxedo cats that are currently members of our Alaqua Animal Refuge family. Outgoing and extremely affectionate, Lowery always wants to look her best for our visitors. She hopes that by keeping her black and white coat spotlessly groomed, a special someone will come along and whisk her away to a loving forever home.

Following his friend’s example, Toto makes it a point to always dress in his finest attire as well. Toto is a bit on the shy side, but anyone who takes a little time to get to know him, can’t help but lose their heart to this quiet, handsome gentleman. Our peaceful ten acre sanctuary is open to guests Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 noon until 5:00 P.M. Lowery and Toto hope to see you there very soon, so please do stop by for a visit. They’re dressed to impress and waiting just for you.
If you would like to adopt Lowery or Totot or any of the other available friends, contact Alaqua Animal Refuge at 850-880-6399 or go online at www.aarflorida.com.
914 Whitfield Road
Freeport, Florida 32439