Abrakadoodle Art Education hosts Fins and Flippers at the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center June 25

June 10, 2014

eowilsonbiophiliaAbrakadoodle Art Education for kids is hosting summer day camps at the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center every Wednesday in June and August.

Time: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

On Wed., June 25 go to the pond and beyond! Turtle Bob takes you on a wetland adventure and shows off some animal friends that swim! Learn about the Japanese art of Gyotaku while making a fish print, sculpt a froggy friend out of Model Magic, and paint a manatee using watercolors. Pack a snack, drinks, and lunch.

Cost is $45. Registration is at www.abrakadoodle.com/fl-northwest-register/

For more information, call (850) 835-1842. The E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center is located at 4956 State Hwy 20 East, Freeport, Florida 32439


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