Help reduce power costs by joining CHELCO’s No Peaking Program

January 7, 2010

Curb your power usage, save costs

In late December, CHELCO started the first automated phone messages to residential members concerning a potential cold weather energy usage peak. Members were asked to conserve energy during the hours of 5:30 a.m. through 8:30 a.m. to help CHELCO manage the cost of wholesale power and avoid potential rate increases from our power supplier, PowerSouth.

Participation in the program lets members help themselves, their neighbors and CHELCO by lowering the peak demand (which is a driver of CHELCO’s wholesale power bill). Members can help by curtailing usage of specific electrical devices or appliances during critical peak times of the day, a few days out of the year. When CHELCO avoids high peak charges, members benefit through lower wholesale power costs in the future.

With the extreme cold temperatures this weekend (January 8th-10th), CHELCO once again is asking our members to conserve energy during the times of 6 a.m. through 9 a.m. Saturday and Sunday morning.

For details on the No Peaking Program or becoming a “Peak Buster,”  Click here

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