Local writer pens biography on Choctawhatchee River legends

March 14, 2022

Kathryn J. Hardy and Dr. Johnny Savage at recent book signing. Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors

Folks that live along the Choctawhatchee River near Ebro, may know Dr. Johnny Savage; either from being one of his dental patients, launching their boat at John’s Little Acre, or eating at the Bruce Café, your paths have likely crossed. Most don’t know about the interesting life Savage has led, from starting his dental practice aboard the USS Glacier, to Atlanta, to being in the Georgia Legislature for 10 years.

During his life in Atlanta and back to Ebro, Savage’s constant sidekick was Otis Ikner. Ikner started out working for Savage as a houseboy early on, then working for him as America’s first Black male dental hygienist. He went on to become an adventurer, civil rights advocate, and led an interesting life as well. The friendship between the two became much more than an employer/employee relationship over the years.

Across the river from Savage lives writer Kathryn Hardy with her husband Ron. After getting to know Savage and Ikner over the last 23 years, Kathryn was compelled to write a book about the duo. Recently published book “Johnny and Jazzbo – A True Story” tells the tale of the two adventuresome men.

“As our friendship grew with Johnny, we found ourselves sitting around the fire pit on the river’s edge at his place. I cannot remember a special occasion or gathering Johnny has ever had when Otis Ikner was not there. We spent many hours listening to Johnny and Otis’s stories that took place during the 60s and 70s. I knew then that a book of consequence was being born. So, I began to record their conversations, documenting their experiences. As their lives unfolded, a politically and profoundly charged story unraveled before me, doused with adventure, drama, comedy, romance and even murder. I just had to write this book,” said Hardy.

The Savage/Ikner duo encountered many challenges, threats and shared hidden secrets over the years. Still, they managed to find their own versions of success. Kathryn J. Hardy’s eloquent writing takes the reader on an incredible journey through the intertwined lives.

Johnny and Jazzbo – A True Story by Kathryn J. Hardy  

To purchase an autographed copy of Johnny and Jazzbo go to https://kathrynjhardybooks.com/

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