Lake Powell Community Alliance annual summer picnic June 7

May 19, 2014

lakepowelllogoThe Lake Powell Community Alliance are hosting their annual summer picnic on June 7. It will be held at the Lake Powell Boat Ramp Park from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Chris plans to fry up a mess of catfish this year! The LPCA will also provide slaw, chips and drinks. Potluck sides and desserts are appreciated. As usual, we will have ‘goodies’ to give away and valuable information to share. Brush up for the return of the “Lake Powell Trivia Game.”  Join the LPCA now and receive an additional half-year of membership for free. RSVP by replying to or call (850) 625-4140 by June 5. Click here to follow them on Facebook.   ​ ​​

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