Recycle Walton!

December 17, 2009

recyclelogo Walton county residents take advantage of County’s recycling programs

With more and more interest and concern for our environment, more people than ever have decided to become a part of a greener planet by recycling their household waste.

Walton County does not have a forced recycling program. However, many are taking advantage of what options are available, and taking the time to recycle.

Local resident Chandra Hartman and her household have reduced the amount of trash signtremendously by being conscience about usage and disposal of their trash.

“I typically have one small garbage bag of waste a week and one bag of recyclables for a family of three. I’m working on reducing this even further because if we don’t make the trash in the first place, we don’t have to worry about how to dispose of it later,” Chandra stated.
“I compost and vermicompost all food scraps, shredded office paper, and newspaper. All non-shiny cardboard is used in the garden for sheet mulching.  Glass, plastic, and cans are put in the recycle bin. I typically have one small garbage bag of waste a week and one bag of recyclables,” Chandra explains.

With a little effort, most of our waste can be recycled, and some can be turned into a high grade fertilizer for the garden.

Below is a rundown of  programs and locations the County has available:

Recycle Trailers

Throughout Walton County residents can take their sorted recyclable waste to trailers located throughout the county. Aaron Warren, Recycling Program Coordinator, for Walton County says this is the preferred method for recycling, because it is already separated. For more information contact 850-951-0551

Items accepted at trailers:

Once the trash is picked through for recyclables, like aluminum cans, hey are bundled up and sold to recyclers (or those who need metals, glass, and other types of materials.) - Photo by Christopher Mitchell, Walton County PIO
Once the trash is picked through for recyclables, like aluminum cans, they are bundled up and sold to recyclers (or those who need metals, glass, and other types of materials.) - Photo by Christopher Mitchell, Walton County PIO

•  Newspaper
•  Plastics (please rinse)
•  Glass (please rinse)
•  Tin/steel/aluminum cans
•  Corrugated cardboard


Map of  recycle locations

Large household items

For larger household items like furniture, white goods (dryers, refrigerators), tires and other materials, residents can either bring the items to the County Landfill or wait for publicly announced community clean up days and amnesty days that are at specified locations around the county. Check with for upcoming dates and locations.

– The County Landfill is located at 1118 Institution Road, DeFuniak Springs 32433. The landfill is open Mon. – Fri. 6 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Sat. 7 a.m. – 1 pm.

Yard debris

The County has an agreement with Waste Management on the south side of the Choctawhatchee Bay, and with Dayco on the north side to pick up yard debris.
Yard Trash means vegetation matter resulting from landscaping maintenance, including accumulation of lawn, grass, shrubbery cuttings or clippings and dry leaf rakings, palm fronds, small tree branches (which shall not exceed four feet in length and three inches in diameter), bushes or shrubs, green leaf cuttings, fruits, or other matter usually created as refuse in the routine care of lawns and yards. Yard Trash does not include large branches, trees, or bulky non-containerized material not susceptible to normal loading and collection in loader packer type sanitation equipment used for regular collections from domestic households. Yard Trash does not include any form or matter or debris resulting from tree removal, land clearing, land development, home improvement, or waste generated by tree surgeons or landscapers. Yard trash does not include hazardous waste, and cannot be commingled with other waste.

oildripUsed motor oil

Used motor oil waste locations are available for residents. There are waste oil

Waste oil container. Photo courtesy Walton County.
Waste oil container. Photo courtesy Walton County.

containers available at several locations for easy disposal.
Here are the safety tips for recycling:
Put used motor oil in a clean plastic container with a tight lid. Do not store the oil in a container that once held chemicals, food or beverages.
Do not mix the oil with any other liquids such as antifreeze, solvent or paint.

For more information, contact the Walton County Landfill 850-892-8180
District 5 Road Department (behind Walton County Courthouse Annex)
Paxton Fire Station
DeFuniak Springs – Woodyard Road (next to County Public Works Dept), Walton County Landfill
Freeport old City Hall location
Did you know?
• Used oil from one oil change can contaminate 1 million gallons of fresh water – a years’ supply for 50 people!
• If all the oil from American do-it-yourself oil changers were recycled, it would be enough motor oil for more than 50 million cars a year. Imagine how much foreign oil that would eliminate.
Information courtesy

If it ain’t broke

If you have large household items you want to get rid of that are still in working order, consider giving it away to someone else in need. There is a local Yahoo online group you can join and post items wanted as well as items to discard. For more information email:

More about Walton Outdoors

    1. Interested and surprised. Didn’t know corrugated cardboard was taken at the recycle stations. I’ve been taking it to For The Health of It parking lot station.
      This fall I looked for a recycle station at the Butler Elementary School and couldn’t find it. A friend redirected me to one at the SW corner of 30A and Hwy 98.
      Also, I’ve never seen one by the Fire House in WaterColor. If that’s the one by Publix, where is it? I will look harder.
      I heard that the Blue Bags get hopelessly compacted with garbage. I’ve been putting them in the recycle trailers to be sure stuff does get recycled.

    1. Good items to point out Caroling. The map of recycle locations was supplied by the county. If there is a location noted on the map without out a bin, call Aaron Warren, 951-0551, the county’s recycling point of contact. Regarding the blue bag program, the first go round of blue bags were too thin, and broke apart in route to the landfill. The county has since reinstated the program with stronger bags that are now sorted on a conveyor at the landfill successfully.

    1. Caroling, the Butler Elementary recycle trailer is on the back left road. Enter near the fence, not at the main entrance, and stay left on the road around the school. It is parked on the left side almost to the back of the school.

    1. My kids, ages 10 & 8, started a curbside pick up for recyclable goods. They are servicing the sowal area. Visit or check them out at Facebook
      This all started after they began a recycle awareness club with some friends but then realized it would be better to help people recycle then to just remind them. This is their business 100% , we just do the driving 🙂
      thanks for the support and together we can keep SoWal beautiful!

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