A natural approach to farming at Twin Oaks Farm

November 23, 2009

Entrance to Twin Oaks Farm. Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors
Entrance to Twin Oaks Farm. Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors

One woman’s quest for a natural alternative offers organic poultry, eggs and fresh preserves

Drawn to the idea of living in a warmer climate, Renee Savary moved to Florida from Switzerland 19 years ago, initially living in Miami as a successful Real Estate broker in South Beach. When a business matter brought Renee to Bonifay two years ago, she immediately knew what her next calling in life would be.

Renee fell in love with the beauty of Northwest Florida, and soon left the face-paced world of South Beach behind for country life on 93 acres in Bonifay called the Twin Oaks Farm.

In the short time since Renee acquired the farm, she has started raising chickens, offering fresh eggs and broilers along with developing a line of fresh fruit preserves.

Renee’s fondness for natural foods and concerns over slack practices in the commercial industry, has prompted her to embark on a quest to provide quality goods to the marketplace and community.

Rene Savary and young chick. Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors
Rene Savary and young chick. Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors

Renee feels there is a lot of misconception, and the consumer is often misinformed, in particular when it comes to the poultry industry.

“The consumer should know that the free roaming eggs they buy in the stores does not mean the chickens are actually outside and roaming free,” Renee explains.

By providing natural preserves, eggs, broilers, and in the near future, goat’s milk and cheese, Renee hopes to make a difference, and offer a healthy alternative to eating.

A place for preserves
Twin Oaks’ mature fruit trees provide the ingredients for making preserves. Renee also relies on local farmers for a variety of fruits not grown at Twin Oaks to create her blueberry, peach, mandarin, strawberry, fig, pear and mango preserves. The mangoes come from a friend who is a grower in Miami.

All of Renee’s preserves are simple and natural, blended with nothing but fruit and sugar.

Chickens in the yard
Renee is in the process of raising a variety of hearty outdoor, free roaming chickens. There are currently three Heritage breeds at the farm in a variety of growth stages; Dominiques, Rhode Island Reds and Leghorn Light Browns. All of the chickens are fed a certified organic mix of feed.

On the horizon
Renee’s future plans include acquiring a variety of goat breeds for dairy and meat. She also has plans for a 2-acre bio-intensive garden, and plans on participating in Community Supported Agriculture in the area. CSA is a program where local farmers share their harvest.

Renee’s ambition to provide a natural alternative for the community is truly an impressive endeavor. This hard working, one-woman operation shows great promise, and hopes for a healthier community!

For more information, contact:
Twin Oaks Farm
3207 Creek Road
Bonifay FL 32425

Lori Ceier is the publisher of waltonoutdoors.com, and can be reached via email at info@waltonoutdoors.com

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